Tuesday, January 14, 2025

[icon_text icon_icon_1=”fa-anchor” icon_title_1=”Unique marine experience” icon_content_1=”The best chance to fulfill your dreams about sailing. To feel yourself a hero of books you loved from childhood.” icon_icon_2=”fa-binoculars” icon_title_2=”Incredible sightsing” icon_content_2=”You will bring home the best photos and you will be proud of them for the rest of your life. Your trip will be unforgettable.” icon_icon_3=”fa-compass” icon_title_3=”Visit of several best places” icon_content_3=”With us you can visit several places during your vacations, not just one. New locations every day.” icon_icon_4=”fa-life-ring” icon_title_4=”Experienced Crew” icon_content_4=”Experienced skipper and the opportunity to learn how to handle a sailing boat yourself. You will have a possibility to try steering the yacht. “]

Upcoming Adventures

Choose your adventure among our current offers. We invite good team for yacht parties,

sailing weekends and long expeditions, diving tours and sea fishing.

[lvca_posts_carousel posts_query=”size:10|order_by:date|order:ASC|post_type:event” image_linkable=”true” post_link_new_window=”true” image_size=”yachtcharter-image-style2″ taxonomy_chosen=”event-categories” display_title=”true” display_taxonomy=”true” display_summary=”true” arrows=”true” dots=”true” autoplay_speed=”3000″ animation_speed=”300″ display_columns=”4″ scroll_columns=”3″ gutter=”20″ tablet_display_columns=”2″ tablet_scroll_columns=”2″ tablet_gutter=”10″ tablet_width=”800″ mobile_display_columns=”1″ mobile_scroll_columns=”1″ mobile_gutter=”10″ mobile_width=”480″]
[video_text section_title=”About Us” button_text=”Learn More” button_url=”https://yachtganesh.com/yacht-liberty-tours/” video_thumbnail_url=”https://yachtganesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/IMG_20190216_131853_5.jpg” video_url=”https://youtu.be/FpXnM2xWCCQ”]

Liberty Tours is an extraordinary steel ketch rigged yacht under British Ensign, port of her registration is London. She is an ocean class 18 meters boat ready to go anywhere in the world. Liberty Tours has two engines, raising keel, hydraulic and electric winches, etc. She belongs to UK company Liberty Tours Media Group, Ltd.

We invite to join our team on board for long distance expeditions, holidays and vacation under sails, sea fishing or just for our yacht parties.

[call_to_action section_text=”Our best selection of adventures on board of our yacht Liberty Tours allow you to have precisely the type of sailing experience you wish.” button_text_1=”Learn” button_url_1=”https://yachtganesh.com/adventures/” button_text_2=”Get In Touch” button_url_2=”https://yachtganesh.com/contact-us/” section_background_image_url=”https://yachtganesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/yachtvent2-back-1.jpg”]
[latest_news section_title=”Latest News” posts_per_page=”3″]
[title type=”title4″]Photo Gallery[/title]
[testimonials_carousel section_title=”Testimonials” posts_per_page=”8″ background_image_url=”https://yachtganesh.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/yachtvent1-back-1.jpg”]
[booking section_title=”Join an Adventure” sale_form_id=”375″ charter_form_id=”374″]

To join our passage please book in advance. We have a big yacht but we are restricted by the amount of berths. Only six comfortable spaces are available for a trip and there could not be onboard more than eight persons as an absolute maximum.

We are building a team for spending excellent time. Please be ready to bring with you good mood, sense of humor, good character and easy going life style.

We are not a charter boat. But there is no such a thing as “free lunches”. We have to service the yacht, pay for marinas, fuel, food on board, etc. So the expenditures should be shared. Please, contact us for more details.
